My smithy

My smithy is in a silo that had not been used in the past 30 years.

The silo and the entrance to the smithy
The diameter of the silo is 4,42m. The type of work I forge finds there all the space it needs. The coal is stored on the first floor.

As you walk into the forge...

One step away from the forge, the anvil rests on a steel box filled with sand. It is an excellent base for the anvil and the sand deadens the ring of the anvil which may ring away one's hearing.

The ancvil is 275 lbs (125 kg)
It is a forged anvil and of  a german pattern

On the left, on the wall is a drawing (scale 1:1) of a grill I forged as a separation in a home. With magnets, I use my steel walls as a giant pinboard. 

An organised chaos.
The chaos of creation

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